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كلية متميزة في العلوم التربوية محلياً واقليمياً
The College of Educational Sciences
The College of Educational Sciences is responsible for the preparation of educational cadres of teachers, school administrators, educational supervisors, counselors, and psychologists. We hope in our vital role to significantly help our local society and the Jordanian community in general. It is worth mentioning that The College of Educational Sciences are providing programs on the Bachelor's level, Master's level, and Doctoral level. These programs are based on the framework of a strategic plan that developed by The College of Educational Sciences in the light of the strategic plan of Mutah University.
About the College of Educational Sciences
The College of Educational Sciences was established in 25/4/1991. Currently , it has 55 doctors and 3 master degree , the College consists of four departments:
- The Department of Counseling and Special Education
-The Department of Curriculum and Instruction
- The Department of Foundations and Educational Administration
- The Department of Psychology
In addition, The College of Educational Sciences run the following units:
- Queen Rania Al- Abdallah Center For Children's Studies
- The Center of Assessment, Counseling, and Special Education
- The Center of Improving the Performance of Faculty Members
- The National Institute for Community Rehabilitation
And The College of Educational Sciences are supervising the Mutah University Model School.
- The number of faculty members in the college are 56, in addition to 4 supervisors on internship and practical training.
The college offers four degrees:
· Bachelor's degree in: classroom teacher, special education, counseling and mental health, kindergartens, and psychology.
· Diploma's degree in: public education, and learning disabilities.
· Master's degree in: curriculum and methods of teaching English, curriculum and methods of teaching sciences, curriculum and methods of social studies, curriculum and methods of general instructions, psychological and educational counseling, educational psychology, measurement and evaluation, and educational administration.
· Ph.D's degree in educational and psychological counseling.
- The faculty members at the College of Educational Sciences are well-established researchers in the field on education, in addition to their active participation in conferences and practical studies in Jordan and Arab World.
- The college held a cultural season in the second semester of each academic year. This event include lectures, seminars, and workshops of various topics of interest to stakeholders.
- The college is keen to cooperate and communicate with the local community institutions, school districts, institutions and centers of social development in the areas of training and counseling, special education institutions, and public and private

 The Dean
Prof. Abdel Nasser Al-Qarala
قسم علم النفس
The Department Of Psychology

     The department of Psychology at Mutah University offers courses for Master, and Diploma. Given that all statistics, measurements and evaluations, and research methodology courses for all available programs at the college of education are taught by the specialized members of this department.

Currently, the department offers two master programs:
1. Master in Measurement and Evaluation.
2. Master in Educational Psychology.

كلمة ترحيبية

لقد تم استحداث برنامج بكالوريوس التربية الخاصة في الفصل الدراسي الأول للعام الدراسي 2000/1999م، كما تم استحداث برنامج بكالوريوس الإرشاد والصحة النفسية في الفصل الدراسي الأول للعام الدراسي 2000/2001م، وكذلك استحدث برنامج ماجستير الإرشاد النفسي والتربوي في الفصل الأول من العام الدراسي 1999/1998م، إذ كانت هذه التخصصات تتبع لقسم علم النفس، وفي العام الدراسي 2001/2000 وتحديدا في بداية الفصل الدراسي الثاني، تم فصل قسم الإرشاد والتربية الخاصة عن قسم علم النفس، وبلغ عدد أعضاء هيئة التدريس آنذاك (6) أعضاء، خمسة من حملة الدكتوراه، وواحد من حملة الماجستير في تخصصي الإرشاد النفسي والتربوي والتربية الخاصة، والآن أصبح عدد أعضاء هيئة التدريس من حملة الدكتوراه ( 21) وإضافة إلى أنه تم فتح برنامج للدبلوم العالي في مجال صعوبات التعلم اعتبارا من بداية الدراسي 2010-2011م، وتم البدء في برنامج الدكتوراه في الإرشاد النفسي والتربوي من بداية الفصل الدراسي الأول للعام الجامعي 2014 / 2015م ، وتم فتح برنامج الماجستير في التربية الخاصة في بداية الفصل الدراسي الاول 2018/2017،  ، بلغ عدد طلبة البكالوريوس في الإرشاد (   352 ) وفي تخصص التربية الخاصة ( 220 ) وفي ماجستير الإرشاد النفسي (  85   )، وفي ماجستير التربية الخاصة(27) وفي مستوى الدكتوراه ( 42  ) .

 رئيس قسم الارشاد والتربية الخاصة

الدكتورة لمياء الهواري
Counseling and Special EducationCounseling and Special Education
الكلمة الترحيبية
The Department Of Foundations And Educational Administration

The department was established in 2000-2001. It has a graduate program. The department offers several service courses. It has got seven faculty members, their ranks as follow: four full professors and three associate professors.

Educational Foundation and AdministrationEducational Foundation and Administration
الكلمة الترحيبية :
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction


Department of Curriculum pleased to submit through the website message section, objectives and organizational structure and disciplines and study plans and degrees and certificates granted by and information for students and faculty also gives this site a clear picture of the role of the department and its activities and future. This site aims to achieve continuous communication between students of different science and scientific institutions of the teaching staff and the members of the body and with the colleges and institutes and university faculties of education in universities on a local and an international and global scale. And waiting for the follow-up section of students creative proposals stemming from the thought of building a meaningful dialogue and to enrich and improve this site.And it stresses the importance of the participation of all faculty members of the World Court and educational conferences on the need to conduct research and studies and projects to take advantage of its findings and recommendations in the educational process section

Curriculum and InstructionCurriculum and Instruction